Monday, June 23, 2008

Step 3: Wings

“The boat will never get going, if its people don’t head for the same destination” Mr. Pisit Mitkuakul

Now, let’s get to the point. Today we are going to make the wings.
The wings are made from foam 15.5cm x 43cm x ¾ inches (or 2cm).

This is the foam we use to make the wings.

Draw it on.

2 pieces

Cut the foam by using the foam cutter that we made

Cut it into 2 pieces

Next, we need to make them curved.

Now bring the pattern for the wings.

Put the foam on the pattern.

Use the foam cutter to cut by the pattern.

Take the left over off.

Repeat it again with another piece.

Then, bring the wings to the pattern for the degree of the wings. Cut the end of the wings so that they can connect to each other.

Now, we will put them together in V shape.

Glue them.

Wait for the glue to dry.

Make sure by use the tape to round over the joint.

So, we will get like this.

Use tape and sticker to decorate the wings.

Lastly, put it together with the body by using 2 plastic bands (x shape).

YEAH, we now finish with the airplane. Next time, we will go for remote control. And then we will be ready to fly.

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